Walkthrough of A Civil Engineering Feasibility Study

In many civil engineering projects, a variety of factors need to go correct for a project to succeed. Because of this, a lot of work needs to be done in the pre-planning stages. But in the beginning, it needs to be determined if a project can actually work. So, a feasibility study needs to be conducted before major planning can occur. But what typically comprises a feasibility study?

One of the major aspects of such a study is the technological portion. In this part, the engineer needs to analyze which tools are needed to construct the project, if such technology even exists. Also, the study will analyze if the people associated with the project are willing to contribute the resources to acquire such technology.

Next is the economic analysis. In this part, the study will analyze where the funds for the projects come from. Also, it will determine if the people providing the funds are likely to support the project. Another part of this topic is the competitiveness of the project, and if it even has appeal to a large enough group.

Also, the legal part must be analyzed. This will analyze the site requirements of a project, and potential permits that may need to be acquired. Also, this will take into account any environmental concerns this project may raise, and if it is enough to raise legal concern.

The final part of this study is the organization and scheduling of a project. This will analyze who is overseeing the various parts of a project. This includes overseeing construction, grading, and surveying. Also, the timeline is analyzed to see if it is possible to complete a project in a set timeframe. Adding on to this, the scheduling part of the study will address anything that may take a project off schedule. From this, the feasibility study can convey if there is a sufficient workforce for the project, and ensure that the project can follow a stable timeline.

A feasibility study is a vital part of any civil engineering project. If a project takes months or even years to construct, it is important to have a strong basis and understanding of the various parts of a project. It is the duty of the civil engineer to be diligent in composing a feasibility study, so that future planning is calculated and concise.


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