Modular Construction. Is It the Future?

For thousands of years, the steps in construction of structures have remained generally the same. But in recent years, a Lego-like process has been increasingly developed: Modular Construction. In this process, many modules — or parts of a building — are independently constructed and then are joined together to create a building. These pieces are initially constructed in a factory-controlled environment and takes up over half the work of construction. But what could be the benefits of this?

One benefit is the environmental sustainability. One kind of Modular Construction is Relocatable Construction, which allows for various pieces to be reused in various areas. And because of this flexibility, there is less concern about the long-term placement of a structure. Along with this, it saves materials from destruction and creating brand new structures. Less energy is also needed when reusing these structures, which may allow for projects to be more feasible in areas with less energy resources. Adding on to this, modular construction prevents pollution from on-site construction. Since these pieces are made in a closed factory away from the site, areas near the construction site are exposed to less pollution caused from construction.

Another benefit is the efficiency of modular construction. While the pieces are constructed away from the site, other on-site work can be completed. This allows for surveying and foundation work to be completed at the same time as structural construction, which ends up saving months’ worth of time. Along with this, while structural construction in the open-air leaves the project at risk for weather delays (such as the rain), the closed factory allows for structural construction to avoid the risk of unfavorable weather.

Finally, modular construction allows for a reduction of liabilities. With this form of construction avoiding harsh weather conditions, it reduces the possibility for the deterioration of a structure during construction. For workers it is similar, and controlled conditions will further their safety in modular construction. Also, modular construction allows for more effective use of visualization technology, which will provide more insight into making further improvements in a structure for economic and safety reasons. Also, these pieces give more room for creativity, as many new structures in modular construction can be added to an existing building.

While modular construction still has many ways to go, its benefits are undeniable. It is the duty of city planners and engineers alike to consider the usage of this potentially innovative technology and be aware of projects where this form of construction poses a better alternative. Also, as we search for new ways to improve sustainability, we must consider increasing funding for furthering the development of this modular construction technology.


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